
Great Gable // Stereo Wonderland, Köln, 04.06.2024
Veranstaltungsdetails und Tickets

Tickets kaufen für Great Gable in Köln am Dienstag, 4. Juni 2024

Sichere dir jetzt deine Tickets für diese Veranstaltung:

Great Gable
Di, 4. Jun 2024, 20:00 Uhr, Köln
ab 22,70 EUR
Great Gable
Di, 4. Jun 2024, 20:00 Uhr, Köln
ab 29,06 USD
Veranstaltung: Great Gable, Stereo Wonderland in Köln
Great Gable

It’s been a steady and relentless rise for Great Gable – Alex Whiteman (vocals), Matt Preen
(guitar), Madi Hanley (drums) and Christopher Bye (bass) – who began jamming together
after meeting at uni in Perth. They quickly started making waves with their dynamic sound
and energetic live show, honed by consistent touring across Australia and New Zealand.
With a blend of early 2000s NYC rock and UK-influenced indie, Great Gable have crafted a
sound that is uniquely their own. Their music is characterized by catchy hooks, heartfelt
lyrics, and an overall sense of warmth and positivity. The band's ability to create anthemic,
feel-good tunes has earned them a loyal and rapidly growing fan base.

Great Gable's latest release,
Read The Room’ has not only solidified their position as one of
Australia's most exciting emerging bands but has also garnered attention on an
international scale. Their breakout single 'So Cool' is a vibrant and catchy song that perfectly
encapsulates the band's signature sound. With its irresistible hooks, energetic
instrumentation, and infectious chorus, the track immediately draws listeners in and leaves
them craving more.

Diese Veranstaltung der Kategorie »Rock & Pop« findet am Dienstag, 4. Juni 2024 um 20:00 Uhr am Ort »Stereo Wonderland«, Trierer Straße 65 in 50674 Köln statt.

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Letzte Aktualisierung des Termins: So, 14. Apr 2024


Stereo Wonderland, Köln

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